Photos from a 1971 Reunion in Taylor

Couples from the left to the right: Lawrence & Mable, Albert & Marge, Mick & Dimples
and Eva (Lem is behind Pete (out of site))
The two in front are: Pete & Hulda Schlafer, Behind Hulda is Bill & Nellie, Abe & Viola and Harry & Esther

These photos were definitely taken in Taylor, NE. Esther had the big hair on the right & Dad was in his mid to late 60's when he started having strokes. Lem is behind Eva (out of sight). On the north side of the park & across the street is where they had their get together. They were in front of the meeting hall of the old fairgrounds. Every year the folks went home to Taylor, always at the same time so that they could be together for their mother. (M. Britton)

Can you help identify the people in these pictures?

Photos submitted by Dan Britton